Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Reality is setting in

We've realized two things: from yesterday until the day we leave will be just how long we will be gone (giving a bit of perspective on just how long this trip is), and this time in two months we will be sitting someplace in Beijing, likely having tea.

While buying the tickets was certainly a reality check, for some reason it is now starting to feel bit more imminent. I think part of it is that we've finally told just about everyone we work with that this is happening. And we are realizing how much there is to do between now and then. Trips to visit family, still looking for the perfect pair of shoes (though that one may be in the bag for me), taking a first aid and CPR class, need to get one more shot and packing still seems impossible.

It seems like we've been doing the planning for months--wait, we've been planning for more than a year--and we still don't have a single hotel reservation. We do have a house in Spain, where friends and family will be joining us late in the trip, and the Kenyan safari is taken care of, but everything else? Nada (just practicing my Spanish ;-) ).

The hotel thing is kind of tricky. Many times in the past we've just made sure we have a place the first and last night and wing it inbetween. Apparently, in China the way to get the best deal--40-50% off--is to not make reservations and just make the deal on the spot. In lots of ways this is very much the way we like to travel. On the other hand, how much time do we really want to spend trudging from hotel to hotel to guesthouse to find a place?

And all of it is going to be a bit arbitrary. Aside from a recommendation from friends for a place in Istanbul, I'm mostly relying on travel books and Trip Advisor. Anyone out there been to Dublin? How about Split, Croatia?

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