Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And the results are in

Just a quick follow up to the packing experiment. The biggest danger for me is going to be over packing. I managed to go the whole week, with a variety of events in two skirts and three shirts. But I did cheat on the shoes.

And it really wasn't a very effective experiment in that it's really easy to pack light for 1 week, and I still think that 8 weeks is going to be tough. If I learned anything, it's that I have to take things I REALLY like because I'm going to be wearing the same things over, and over, and over again. Lucky for me, I can pack at least 4 pairs of shoes in the same space that Tom needs for 2 pair. But I have a feeling that will just leave me packing some of his stuff...

Anyway, we are doing a lot of research on China right now, and came across a marathon of a beautiful show on the Travel Channel called "Wild China." It's making us feel like there is no way we'll see even a portion of what we want to in only 2 weeks. We'll have to make some tough choices.

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