Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And the results are in

Just a quick follow up to the packing experiment. The biggest danger for me is going to be over packing. I managed to go the whole week, with a variety of events in two skirts and three shirts. But I did cheat on the shoes.

And it really wasn't a very effective experiment in that it's really easy to pack light for 1 week, and I still think that 8 weeks is going to be tough. If I learned anything, it's that I have to take things I REALLY like because I'm going to be wearing the same things over, and over, and over again. Lucky for me, I can pack at least 4 pairs of shoes in the same space that Tom needs for 2 pair. But I have a feeling that will just leave me packing some of his stuff...

Anyway, we are doing a lot of research on China right now, and came across a marathon of a beautiful show on the Travel Channel called "Wild China." It's making us feel like there is no way we'll see even a portion of what we want to in only 2 weeks. We'll have to make some tough choices.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The great packing experiment

One woman, 4 skirts, 6 shirts and 60 days.

So, for the next week we are taking the popular "staycation" and becoming tourists in our own town. And conducting a bit of an experiment.

How do you pack for a 60 day trip in one bag? Not one of those lovely, big rolling suitcases, but a softside backpack? Back when we planned this trip the first time in 2001, we purchased these great bags--good sized backpacks, with zip-off day packs turning them into two carry-ons. OK, so this was back when you were allowed two carry-ons, but that's beside the point.

Here's the experiment, can we put everything we need for a week's vacation (with a wide variety of activities) in our bag and live out of it, shunning the dressers and closets full of way too many clothes that we have at home?

I've been shopping at Travelsmith and REI and picked up a couple of things that seem to be working well so far (it's 5 days in), but my favorites are skirts from Goodwill, and t-shirts from Target and Academy Sporting Goods. They wash and dry overnight hanging in the bathroom, and run an average of $7 each. If I get tired of all of it before Croatia, I won't feel that bad about ditching any of it.

Two things I'm finding are important. Underclothes and shoes. I've always heard about the rule of three with it comes to underwear--wear one, wash one, have one spare. I really hope that the timing of the trip will not put us in 105F degree weather, but if so, the rule of three just doesn't work. Shoes--that's a tough one, too. We need to be able to dress for some light hiking, lots of walking and hopefully some nice nights out.

My mom sent me some wonderful, really lightweight flats (black and brown) which I want to take, but I'm not sure they are going to be the best choice for lots of walking in cities (no padding or support). I have nice hiking boots, so those will go, too. Sneakers are so bulky, I'd really like to find an alternative for city walking.

So far, I've only needed about 1/4 of what I packed to cover me for a Tiki party, concert, pool and golfing (twice), shopping around town and lounging around the house--and that seems about right. I did cheat and wear sneakers for golf today, but otherwise I'm sticking to the plan. Tomorrow night we are planning on a nice, "fine dining" dinner, so we'll see if I can make what I have work for that.