Friday, July 24, 2009

Inspector Gadget

So, the Frugal Traveler blog on the New York Times listed what he considered the top 10 travel gadgets. Some of them seem obvious (first aid kit, cable lock) and other just silly (the money clip with a flash drive). Some we already use -- my Spacebag travel pouches have been passed around numerous times; I think half the people in my office have borrowed them. As we are starting our shopping these are the kinds of things we could use some help with... what are you best suggestions for travel paraphernalia?

One thing I've seen suggested that I think we'll invest in are sleeping bag liners. As we plan some serious train travel, especially in China, as well as some places where hotel hygiene could be questionable, this seems like a good idea--it comes from Bite Me With Dr. Mike on the Travel Channel, though after reading his "travel tips" it makes me wonder--not for the first time--why we are doing this.

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